EV Charger Installation

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EV Charger Installation 

If you now own or intend to purchase an electric vehicle, you should think about setting up your own home charging station. Our electricians have installed numerous home EV chargers in Pasadena and other cities as EVs gain in popularity.

The state of California approved an executive order in 2020 to halt the sale of gas-powered vehicles after 2035. As a result, as that time draws closer, it is anticipated that the number of electric cars would rise tremendously. While protecting the environment is the primary goal, electric vehicles also have many other benefits. For instance, they are quite practical. Particularly if you have a charging station of your own at home and can stop worrying about getting gas.

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Electric Vehicle Charging Installation

The choice for the best EV charger varies upon the type of battery of the car, how many miles the car drives per day, and how long do you have available to charge it. In a nutshell, if you drive a lot and don’t spend too much time at home, you want to make sure you have a more powerful output able to charge your car overnight within 6-10 hours for example. This is clearly the best type for most EV owners. The cost of the materials and installation is actually pretty small when you compare it with how much time it will free you every day for years to come.

Level 1 EV Chargers

To recharge the car’s battery, the PEVs come with a standard Level 1 charger. The Level 1 charger is a fairly basic EV charger that usually comes with the electric or hybrid car and can be plugged into a standard 120 volt electrical outlet in your garage.

When you use a Level 1 charger, it is important that it is on its own dedicated electrical circuit. This means no other devices should be plugged into the same outlet on the same circuit breaker. For enhanced safety, the outlet should also be a GFCI type receptacle to guard against electric shock.

There is one drawback with a Level 1 charger. It can take up to 12 hours to fully charge some vehicles using 120 Volt standard house power. Depending on which vehicle you own, you’ll get from 3 – 5 miles for every hour you charge your car with a standard 120 Volt receptacle. If you only drive short distances and never completely deplete your battery this may be okay for you. Every night you will need to plug in your car to give it enough charge to get through the following day.

"Charge your car in a shorter amount of time with a Level 2 EV chargers."

Level 2 EV Chargers

There is another option for those who want and need to get the battery of their electric vehicle fully charged in a shorter amount of time. A Level 2 charger, depending on the charger and the vehicle, can charge a typical EV car in about 4 – 6 hours. A Level 2 charger is bigger than the Level 1 charger and is typically mounted on the wall of your garage or an outside wall near where the EV car is parked. An electrical cord comes from the Level 2 charger and plugs into a port in the EV car. You can think of it as your own mini gas station in your garage, except you are using electricity to fill your car rather than gasoline.

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